

With an ear for narrative, I can conceptualize books; see what's required and what will work in today's highly competitive publishing world. Beyond recognizing the story's heart, beyond telling it well, I know how to honor its audience. By making the writing sing.

Are you interested in high-level editorial guidance and feedback for your work-in-progress? I'll help you formulate your ideas, design or strengthen your book's structure, and burnish your prose. 


If you have an original concept, story, or professional world to convey, I can help you transform it into a nonfiction book. My ghostwriting clients include celebrities and professionals; remarkable individuals who have an audience, and are ready to expand their circle of influence. I've written all manner of nonfiction: biography, psychology, parenting, business, lifestyle, and how-to.  One example is Simplicity Parenting: Using the Extraordinary Power of Less to Raise Calmer, Happier, and More Secure Kids, which I wrote for Kim John Payne. 

The process involves interviews, and the writing of a proposal and/or book-length manuscript. Proposals generally take two to four months; complete manuscripts can take six to nine months. Author credit and fees are negotiable based on the project.



Every project is different.  Let’s start with a conversation about your work, timing, and goals and how I might help.


"As an extraordinarily articulate, perceptive and unfailingly professional executor, Lisa’s insights and editorial help have been invaluable.” — Annie B. Bond, Author of Better Basics for the Home and Home Enlightenment

"Simply beautiful writing, Lisa! I read the chapter you wrote again and was very moved. Your writing so beautifully captures the book's message."  Kim John Payne, Education Consultant